Wednesday, April 11, 2012

“We buy things we don't want, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like.”

Happiness Tip #2

The above  statement is true for most people. You stop trying to be good enough for everyone. The only person you need to be good enough for is yourself. It's impossible to try to meet everyone's standards. Also, why try to be good enough and impress people you don't like? I'm guilty of doing this on a daily basis. If I don't like you, then chances are, I'll work even harder to impress you.  I don't understand it.  Why do people work so hard to try to impress people that don't matter to them?  Why do I give a fuck what you think about me?  Why do I waste so much money to buy clothing and accessories by designer brands when I can buy the same thing at a department store for a lower price?  Why do people strive to be like others, rather than being themselves?  People would be so much happier if they only worked to meet their own standards.  No one's opinion of you matters except yours.

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