Friday, April 13, 2012

Money Can't Buy Happiness

Happiness Tip #4

I've learned this one from experience. Going along with happiness tip #2, I sometimes buy things I don't actually need just to impress the people around me. I also thought that buying myself nice things would make me happier because I'd have the best. I always had to have a smart phone because it was better than normal phones. I always had to have the nicest clothes and get my nails done as often as possible and buy Starbucks whenever I could, but none of it actually made me happy. The happiness I had after buying those things only lasted a short amount of time. Growing up, I always wanted a career that would give me the most money possible. I wanted to marry someone who also had a career that paid a lot of money. I wanted to be able to have anything and everything I wanted without having to worry about the price tag. 

 When I went to bed last night, Jeff was still at his computer playing League with some friends. For a good five minutes, all I did was lay in bed, staring at him. Now this sounds creepy, but I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind at the time. I complain a lot about my life and lack of money right now. But in those short, five minutes I realized I couldn't be happier. If I had to choose between being with him and having a million dollars, I'd always choose him. Money can't buy me an amazing boyfriend or love or a great relationship.  It can't buy you the things you really need in life.  

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